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बिस्फी : महा कविकोकिल विधापतिक जन्मस्थली

Mail: info@bisfi.navneetkr.com


Bisfi is a Historical place known for birth place of Maha Kavi Vidyapati. No need of any introduction of Vidyapati in Mithila or Maithils all over the world. Vidyapati is as much known for his love-lyrics as for his poetries dedicated to Lord Shiva. He used to compose in Maithili, a language spoken around Mithilanchal.
The love songs of Vidyapati, which describe the sensuous love story of Radha and Krishna, follow a long line of Vaishnav love poetry, popular in Eastern India, and include much celebrated poetery such as Jayadeva's Gita Govinda of the 12th century.

बड़ सुखसार पाओल तुअ तीरे। छोड़इत निकट नयन बह नीरे।। करनोरि बिलमओ बिमल तरंगे। पुनि दरसन होए पुनमति गंगे।। एक अपराध घमब मोर जानी। परमल माए पाए तुम पानी।। कि करब जप-तप जोग-धेआने। जनम कृतारथ एकहि सनाने।। भनई विद्यापति समदजों तोही। अन्तकाल जनु बिसरह मोही।।


Bisfi Madhubani

Bisfi Madhubani Bihar

About Bisfi Madhubani Bihar

Bisfi VidhanSabha

Bisfi Vidhan Sabha

Bisfi Block

Madhubani District Bihar

Navneet kumar, Software consultant from delhi, India. Basically from Bisfi, Madhubani Bihar. Software Engineer!

Navneet kumar bisfi madhubani bihar

Navneet bisfi madhubani bihar

Nabu Nabbu bisfi madhubani bihar

Navneet Software consultant

Software consultant from delhi

Navneet kumar Software Engineer bisfi madhubani bihar

Nabu Nabbu Software Engineer bisfi madhubani bihar

bisfi madhubani bihar

Vidyapati geet

Vidyapati Video

Maithili songs

Maithili Videos



Mithila rajya


बिस्फी मधुबनी बिहार

बिस्फी मधुबनी



विद्यापति स्मारक

विद्यापति गीत


विधापति स्मारक

विधापति गीत


मैथिली गीत

मैथिली वीडियो


Bisfi Vidhan Sabha constituency

बिस्फी विधान सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र

बिस्फी महा कविकोकिल विधापतिक जन्मस्थली